Profile Requirements
Validated Shipping Systems
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It is a long established fact that a reader a looking at its layout
Test Cancellations
DSL will not charge clients for a cancelling a test if DSL is provided written notification prior to initiating testing. Test processing is initiated immediately upon receipt of a sample. If written notification is sent after the sample is received, DSL will not guarantee that the cancellation will be processed.
Test Changes
DSL will make every effort to add or change a test after DSL receives written notification from the client and there is the appropriate sample type and/or adequate sample amount to perform the requested test. A verbal or phone request to add or change a test will be accepted from the ordering client; client will be confirmed, and order will be read back to verify accuracy. A written notification will still be required from the ordering client within 15 days of the request. DSL primary client partners may order additional tests, only after written notification is received from the primary client.
Sample Return or Forwarding Sample to Alternate Location
DSL will honor requests to return a sample if testing has not commenced and/or will forward a sample to an alternate location/laboratory. DSL will require a Service Request Form be completed and submitted for processing. DSL will not be held responsible for the cost/billing of the shipment, and damage or lost samples during shipment.